Were the Good Old Days before Modern Security Systems Really so Good?

If you lived in a castle, you protected your home with a moat, expert archers and perhaps a pot of boiling oil suspended above the main entrance. Even back in those days you had several lines of defense, and at times you really needed them.

Sometimes I wish I had been born in an earlier time—back when a person’s house was often left unlocked for long periods of time. These days I lock my parked car even when I make a quick trip to the store. Is this progress, or have we become afraid to live? I’d like to think that the conveniences we enjoy and our mobility and freedom are worth protecting, so it is a trade-off: was the simplicity of the good old days and its limitations better, or the advances in all spheres of life, with their attendant safety risks?

The “good old days” of the pioneers, when Americans lived in simple log or brick houses, appeals to our renewed desire to live simply. Tools were left in sheds, doors and windows sometimes had no locks. We may have been friendly, giving and trusting, but security breaches still happened. The dangers of the olden days were just as real as our present security issues and challenges.

How can we live in safe, secure homes yet not spend every waking moment worrying about the possibility of home invasion, theft and other similar scenarios?

We can begin with simple steps, including adequate outdoor lighting, well-made locks, fences, trained guard dogs and other basic precautions. If you want a state-of-the art alarm system, you can get infrared motion sensors, and arrange to have a monitored home security system. Although thieves can eventually open almost any lock, other deterrents might cause them to find an easier target. Several layers and levels of protection can make you feel safer.

The more progress the human race makes, the greater the need to safeguard our countries and our people. From houses to airports to bridges to ocean liners, personal safety must remain upmost in our consciousness. Self defense takes many forms and ultimately empowers us all.


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